Sunday, December 14, 2014

#BringBackTheTravelers #SaveTheTravelers, Please!

So I get that Katy is busy with school and all, and I get that almost no one gets on here anymore. I also get that sometimes you just aren't inspired to write stories, so you don't for a long time, and then after a while they just never get finished (what do you think happens to everything I start writing, oh that's right they just sit on my computer where no one can find them, because they never get finished!).
But I also feel like if you post part of a story on your blog for the world to read and fall in love in with the characters that you should not just leave said loved characters in terrible circumstances never to be saved. All fictional characters deserve an end, whether good, bad, or just down right terrible. And all readers that are in love in with said fictional characters deserve to get to read said ending, whether it be good, bad or just down right terrible. I also feel that "Her torch revealed a long, straight tunnel on the other side." is not an ending, if it was it'd be worse then down right terrible. I mean, what's on the other side of the tunnel? Do the people that they're trying to escape from find the tunnel and follow them?
So anyways all this to say that I understand that a couple months ago Katy said she was in a rut with writing the Travelers, but I also feel that after almost two years it's time the Travelers returned and got an ending. I alsooooo happen to know that someone is on break till the end of January and surely that's enough time get out of a rut and at least start towards an ending. 
In the mean time……. to help you get past writers block to help you get out of your rut to help you write more, to help be sure your fans don't get mad and stop talking to you, and to be sure that Taylor, Frank, Falcon, Rita, and Thoren and get the ending they deserve here's a video all about how to get over writers block! ;)

P.S. What I really want for Christmas is for you to bring back the Travelers. I know you can't really wrap that up with a bow on top, but all the same…if you did finish it you could, cause you could print it off and then wrap it up with a bow on top. Also I realize that you probably won't be able to finish it by the end of break but even just a short part 16 would be am amazing! Also in case you forget what happened last, here's a hint. ;)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 2014

Hello! Here I am again, writing to you on a hot and humid day while sitting in front of a fan. Feeling...well, other than overheated, fine. Except...

What am I doing?

I have once again neglected to do anything I promised to do back on May 16th, a date which now seems like an extremely long time ago. What have I done since then?

I have been at my job, I've made some new friends, and I've been spending time with family and friends, as well as wasting some time watching TV shows, and then more work, etc. What I have not been doing is trying to get "The Travelers" to come back from the dead. It's as if I think it will write itself, which might be more likely at this point than my actually getting to writing some. I fully expect most if not all of you to wonder why on earth I don't just go and work on it rather than sit here and write apologetic blog posts.

The truth is, I'm not sure why I don't.

I did have some ideas for it; I think I am in a rut. I always want to work on stories, but half the time I have writer's block.

At this time, I feel that I may need to step back and consider who I am as a writer, who I have been, and where I should and want to go. Obviously, during the semester, I spend most if not all of my time writing papers, a decidedly different type of writing. Consequently, my academic and critical writing has improved drastically. My fictional writing? Hasn't improved as much. I feel a need to keep searching for my identity as a writer and be open to changes and inspiration. This is not the death knell for "The Travelers." Rather, I am finally starting to come to terms with the fact that I am in a writer's rut at the moment and I need to experiment and try to get myself out of it.

In an attempt to keep the blog alive, I would like to try to get some good conversation going in the comments: I'll introduce the first topic, but feel free to introduce your own/message me.

I'd like to hear about one of your favorite books. What is it, who wrote it, why do you like it. Is there anything you don't like about it? How's the writing? Are the pacing, characters, etc. well developed or not so much? You can address any of these questions or any others; I'm hoping for all of us to be introduced to some new reading ideas.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Spring/Summer 2014

Hello, everyone.
I know I haven't posted since this past winter, but it's because during the semester, I rarely have time for anything other than doing schoolwork and trying to live my life in general. I do still care about my blog (how many times have I said that?) and I try to come back to it whenever I am able to.

Currently, I am taking a three week long summer course which is my lab requirement for the geoscience class I took this past semester. I just finished my Sophomore year. After I am done with my summer class in a couple of weeks, I will be going back to work at the ice cream parlor where I worked last year.

A word on my writing: I know many of you have faithfully followed "The Travelers." I realize I have left all of you in the lurch, as well as my poor characters, unless my having been so sporadic about it has meant that everyone has lost interest. I am undecided whether I will continue the story, partially because I have been unsure of where to go with it. Please comment if you have any thoughts about this story and whether you would like to see it continued.

I also am interested in doing more song covers for my youtube channel, but I have to get going and figure out which songs I want to do and then actually get my act together and record them. Again, let me know any thoughts you might have or if there's any song requests (I will try to fulfill requests but again, I do not know when any of this will happen).

I realize all of this seems up in the air, but know that I will continue trying to keep up the blog over the summer.

For now, I'll leave you all with a fun question (I hope it is fun): comment and tell me one of your favorite things to do in the summer! (I love to have picnics with family and friends.)

Friday, January 17, 2014


In trying to decide what to write this post about, what came to mind was a subject very important to me: my friends.
I have a really diverse and large group of friends, when I come to think of it. I love making new friends and have made several new ones over the past few years. Some of them I've never met in person, but I still feel a connection with them.
Some of them I've now had for a long time and spend hours (when possible) hanging out and talking with them.
This post is just to say, I'm thinking about all of you, my wonderful friends, and you mean so much to me!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Funny videos

Most recent blimeycow video; I so relate to this!

Also, an older one that's one of my favorites!

One word: "Antibiotics!!"