The Travelers gallery

Welcome to The Travelers gallery, a collection of pieces which go along with the continuing story. There will be more as I have time and inspiration.
 1. The Car Crash. Copyright 2012-2013 by Katy Allie. All rights reserved.
  2. Meeting Thoren. Copyright 2012-2013 by Katy Allie. All rights reserved.


  1. I do not recall whether there was a significance in 122, but I was able to remember the significance of TFT. See if you can figure it out; if not, I'll post the answer!

  2. "The First Traveler"?
    "The Finest Trio"?
    "Taylor's First Trophy"?
    "Thoren Forgot Tomatoes"?
    or no I've got it!
    "Taylor, Frank, Thoren"?

  3. It was probably "Taylor, Frank, Thoren" as you have guessed, though I like all of your guesses! I apparently have forgotten what it meant...but I think it was "Taylor, Frank, Thoren."

    So, good job! You guessed it!
