Sunday, December 14, 2014

#BringBackTheTravelers #SaveTheTravelers, Please!

So I get that Katy is busy with school and all, and I get that almost no one gets on here anymore. I also get that sometimes you just aren't inspired to write stories, so you don't for a long time, and then after a while they just never get finished (what do you think happens to everything I start writing, oh that's right they just sit on my computer where no one can find them, because they never get finished!).
But I also feel like if you post part of a story on your blog for the world to read and fall in love in with the characters that you should not just leave said loved characters in terrible circumstances never to be saved. All fictional characters deserve an end, whether good, bad, or just down right terrible. And all readers that are in love in with said fictional characters deserve to get to read said ending, whether it be good, bad or just down right terrible. I also feel that "Her torch revealed a long, straight tunnel on the other side." is not an ending, if it was it'd be worse then down right terrible. I mean, what's on the other side of the tunnel? Do the people that they're trying to escape from find the tunnel and follow them?
So anyways all this to say that I understand that a couple months ago Katy said she was in a rut with writing the Travelers, but I also feel that after almost two years it's time the Travelers returned and got an ending. I alsooooo happen to know that someone is on break till the end of January and surely that's enough time get out of a rut and at least start towards an ending. 
In the mean time……. to help you get past writers block to help you get out of your rut to help you write more, to help be sure your fans don't get mad and stop talking to you, and to be sure that Taylor, Frank, Falcon, Rita, and Thoren and get the ending they deserve here's a video all about how to get over writers block! ;)

P.S. What I really want for Christmas is for you to bring back the Travelers. I know you can't really wrap that up with a bow on top, but all the same…if you did finish it you could, cause you could print it off and then wrap it up with a bow on top. Also I realize that you probably won't be able to finish it by the end of break but even just a short part 16 would be am amazing! Also in case you forget what happened last, here's a hint. ;)


  1. P.s. Katy, sometimes I wonder if I'm a terrible friend for bugging you so much about this but then I think, "What would have happened if say Suzann Colleen's friends had just let her stop writing the Hunger Games?" and then I decided maybe I'm not so terrible, just really really annoying. #SaveTheTravelers #BringBackTheTravelers

  2. Preciosa,
    You are definitely not a terrible friend! I think it is incredibly nice that you have enjoyed this story so much.
    In the past I have given many excuses as to why I haven't been able to work on The Travelers, so I won't reiterate any of that.
    Also, I have made a lot of promises I haven't kept...and so, I'm sorry to have kept you hanging so long. You're right that I have quite a bit of time in which I could work on this story.
    So, I will try to get The Travelers back on track during break.
    Thanks, buddy.
