Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 Movie Challenge

Recently I posted my 2013 year review. I did a short review of every movie I saw in theaters last year. That didn't include any other movies which I saw which was probably quite a few! Many of you probably know that I love to watch movies!

Thus, I'm going to put this out there:
Anyone who wants to can suggest a movie I haven't seen that they think I should watch and I will do everything in my power to watch it this year! This is solely for movies already out on DVD. That is, it's a movie you've watched and like, and can't imagine why I haven't watched it yet since it's so good.

After watching each, I will post what I thought of them here on my blog. I promise to be nice and I won't say anything bad about a movie you like!


  1. Oh I can think of a few..... lol and we were talking about some of them a couple days ago! lol ;) Wanna guess what they are? or should I just tell you? ;)

  2. I'm guessing Spirit and War Horse are on that list? :) any others?

  3. lol yup! as awesome as it is being able to say I've seen some good horse movies you haven't you really should check them out! ;) hmm...I'll get back to you on that one.

  4. haha very funny!! :) Okey doke!!! :)

  5. Good idea! Hmmm....I can't think of any right now.... Oh wait! Have you watched 'North and South'? It's a BBC favorite!

    1. Thanks! I will try my best to watch all of these! :) We'll see! I have not watched North and South but I will add it to the list! Thank you for the suggestion!
