Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Adventures of a First Semester College Student

Most of my time lately has been taken up with college. So, why not write about it? Not like much else notable has taken place in my life lately. OK, so I'll start with 10 things you should know about college:
1) Apparently, a phone is a college student's best friend. You'll have trouble making friends because of this. When all else fails...
2) Talk to the guys! The guys are usually friendlier than girls who still tend to (yes, even in college) form snobby little cliques.However, try to scope out the guys who seem nice!!! haha.
3) Be aware that as hard as you study, there will always be those people who come in on the day of the midterm, and, pulling out their notes, groan, "Oh, darn, I gotta study all this now..." This is when you pat yourself on the back for a weekend well-spent.
4) Always have snacks in your backpack!! You don't want to be snackless during a long day (or a long couple of hours over/near a dinner hour. Remember that when you're hungry, your brain is sending messages to you that it needs something to keep on working the best it can. You always want to have a fully-functioning brain for class if possible!
5) If you want to be friendly to someone even if they are saying something like, "Awww man I did NOT read that whole thing, it was just too long!", laugh and say "Yeah it was long..." or something like that. I wouldn't really recommend turning to them and saying, "Oh really? I thought it was absolutely wonderful and intriguing and I even read it a second time like the professor suggested." Even if all this is true, all this will do is make people think you're being uppity.  :P I wanted to tell this one girl once that I had read the whole article when she was saying how long it was, but I didn't...instead I just laughed and said, "Yeah it was long, hahaha." I didn't want to sound like I was being holier than thou. Know when to speak and what to say!
6) When you're riding a bike on campus, just always keep in mind that you have to be extra careful in the age of Looking down at your cell phone while walking around a busy public area.
7) Watch out for trucks and mopeds in pedestrian/bike areas. (Yes, I know this sounds crazy.)
8) Figure out when are the best times of day for each type of studying you need to do. Figure out when you want to read texts for the following week. For instance, I use the weekend (in part) for getting all/most of my readings read for my two classes with a lot of reading. Then I'm all set!
9) Make time to stop and get ice cream or something else yummy sometimes when you're on campus. This generally makes you feel better about anything: "It's okay I have to read several chapters, rewrite a paper, and study for two midterms! This ice cream is delicious!" Yeah, it's weird, but it works.
10) When you're studying and you get super-stressed, realize that you may have to step back for a few minutes and let yourself think through it quietly...get some tea, have a snack, watch some youtube videos. This always helps me.
Speaking of which...I have studying to do! Ciao! Adios! Bye!

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