Saturday, August 4, 2012

Peru journal--Day 7

Day 7: Friday, July 22nd, 2011
More Cabana Adventures
So far, I think my favorite food  here is the bread. Kinda silly, you might say, since I can have bread anytime at home, and here I am in a place where I can try all kinds of new things...and I have...but the bread's just really good. For one thing, I'm mostly vegetarian, and Peru has a fairly meat-centered society. Ever meal (even breakfast sometimes) includes some kind of meat (pollo--chicken, or cuy--guinea pig, fish, or beef--not as often) The bread, although a bit dryer than that at home, is so good. It has this lovely taste, and when it's fresh, there's practically nothing better.

Today, some of us rode horses through a small section of the country near Cabana, including visiting the ruins of Pashas that date back to the Incans--they found mummies there. The riding was fun again. The horse I was riding was apparently still looking after her "teenage" foal of hers, who followed along after my horse and I (or sometimes went ahead--but then always eventually went back to following behind!)

We have two more full days in Cabana, before heading back down the Andes to Chimbote, a fishing village. From there, it's a six hour bus ride (during the DAY this time--ugh!) back to Lima, where we'll stay 'til Thursday. Sometime on Thursday, we'll be packing up to star the long journey home.

Although it's a bit nicer here than Lima, since Lima is a noisy city, it's been very loud around here, what with the St. James Festival, music being played over a boombox's speakers in the house, and the kids playing, so I'll be kind of glad to get away from all the noise. It's almost never quiet. The most quiet time is right now--siesta--which goes from around 1 or 2 P.M. to maybe 4:30. More tomorrow! :)


  1. Thanks, Katy. I really love reliving our adventure of last summer through these diary entries. Can't wait to go back next summer!

  2. mmmm bread!!!! lol I love bread so I can see why it'd be your favorite food! :)
    hey btw....what ever happened to the travelers? jw.

  3. @Mom, you're welcome! hope you keep enjoying the posts. Hope you can go back this coming summer. I know you really want to go.
    @Preciosa, yeah the bread's awesome there. :) the potatoes are also reaaaaaallly good. :) & i just replied to another one of ur comments about the travelers.

  4. mmmmm stop making me hungry! jk ;) yeah and i just replied to your reply to the reply to the comment that replied to the comment about the travelers. :)
