Monday, August 13, 2012

Peru journal--Day 8

Day 8: Saturday, July 23rd, 2011
New Experiences
Today was sort of a down day for my mom & I, as we didn't feel entirely well. We rested pretty much all day, after taking some medication the doctor prescribed.

At about 5, we began to feel a bit better & more awake, so we took up Tia Rosa (Maria's aunt, who now sort of feels like our aunt, too!) on her invitation to watch the St. James parades from the balcony of the hotel next to the plaza. Some of Maria's relatives are staying at the hotel, and their room opens out onto a 2nd floor balcony. Perfect for watching the festivities. However, you don't have to ANYWHERE special to hear the homemade firecracker/firework things, that make sparks, but, more notably make a huge BANG!

After watching the parades for a while and having some really fresh (and really delicious!) fried dough (they don't put anything on it here but it's still amazing!), we went with Tia Rosa and her husband Alfred, to a little restaurant in town. A couple of Tia Rosa's cousins also came with us for hot drinks and food (most of us had desserts). There was a Spanish soap opera playing in the restaurant. Although I didn't know what they were talking about , from what I could gather it was pretty much like the soap operas in English!

A lot of the money our church raised for the school children of Huambo went to buy each child some new clothes: a sweat-suit, a t-shirt, and a new pair of shoes. The people here don't have a lot of things or money, but they have, thankfully, enough food (we have been recipients of a lot of food, including a couple large blocks of homemade cheese!)

Today was the Christening of Leo, Cindy's younger brother. We weren't able to attend the Mass at 10 A.M., since we didn't feel well, but we participated later, when the guests at the party, held here at Maria's family's Cabana house, took turns cutting off sections of Leo's hair. Prior to this, eh had a short ponytail; his hair was put into several dozen tiny ponytails, all over his head, and fastened with ribbons. Each guest donated some money for Leo's upbringing, and then cut off a section of hair. Interesting to learn about other peoples' customs. Leo now has very short hair, cut close to his head. I didn't recognize him at first after he'd had his hair cut!

Tomorrow is our last full day in Cabana, and the last day of all the St. James festivities. I hear tonight will be very loud! Here's hoping we'll be able to sleep!


  1. soooo you aren't planning on wait a year to post the next part of the travlers, right? because it's already been 4 months!
    anyway thanks for posting the peru journal! :)

  2. The Travelers is sort of in hiatus because I haven't been that interested in working on it lately...:( bad, bad me!!! I hope to finish it eventually. I might not work on it until next summer though. I might be able to on Christmas vacation. or I might even work on it between now and when classes start. you never know. anyway sorry :(

    you're welcome! hope you're enjoying it.

  3. oh okay. that's okay. I'll just go insane till then. ;) oh I mean...MORE insane.

  4. :) yeah i'm also not sure what should happen next...well i sorta do but sorta don't, you know what I mean?

  5. oh... ugh yeah I do know what you mean! I have that problem all the time! if you need my help let me know! ;)

  6. oh thanks!!! :) i'll let u know if I need some ideas :D
