Monday, June 25, 2012

awesome time in the Midwest!

 Last week was so much fun and so interesting. My mom and I went to the top of the St. Louis Arch and into the depths of the Mark Twain Cave and Cameron Cave in Hannibal, MO. Best of all, I FINALLY got to meet my two awesome cuz-friends in PERSON! :
After they came and got us at the airport, our great friends took us to the St. Louis Arch, a.k.a the Gateway to the West. This is a picture of the terrific trio :) at the top of the Arch. L-R: Rene, Preciosa, me!:)
 Where'd all my hair go????? Good question. The day after we arrived, I had 10 inches cut off to donate to Locks of Love. Preciosa is also donating, and so are her mom and sister! :) By the time my hair was all done, more than 10" had actually been cut off because after the ponytail came off my hair was layered and thinned. This is me and my mom smiling for the camera at the Mark Twain Cave!
Whoa! Long hair again! This is at the St. Louis airport; we had to wait a long time for our 2 suitcases and we were so excited we could help all this smiling, hugging, laughing, and posing for photos! :)
Photos: Jeanne Allie and Katy Allie


  1. EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! THat was SSOOOOOO fun!!!!!! you and your mom are AWESOME!!!!! :) and I love those pictures!!! :)

  2. I KNOW RIGHT?!? IT WAS AWESOME! :) aww thx! :) u guys are AWESOME too!! :) :)
