Saturday, April 21, 2012

stuff that's going on ;)

Today was the Spring piano recital my mom always has for her students, which includes me!!!  I played two pieces and an improvisational piece with my mom and one of my friends.  They all went really well and it was fun!!! I'm going to be putting the recordings of them up on my youtube channel, so stay tuned! I'll tell you when those are up on youtube.

Another thing; the other day, I got most of my old files off of our desktop computer.  There's a bunch of old stories and pictures I'd like to share eventually, both here and on my website.
I remembered a quiz I made, probably in '08 or '09, about Prince Caspian; the questions have to do with the C.S. Lewis book and the Walden Media movie, so if a question doesn't seem to match up with what you know of of the book/movie, then it's just because of the differences between them and not because I was having a brainwashed moment! :)

I will share the questions now; if you want, you can answer any or all of them in the comments and next week I'll post the answers. :)

 1.  What is the chess piece which Susan finds made of?

2.  What do the children use to light their way when they discover a passage in the ruins of Cair Paravel?

3.  Why is it that Edmund has no gifts from Father Christmas in the treasure chamber?

4.  Peter's sword is named what?

 5.  What is the name of Prince Caspian's tutor?

6.  Who murdered Prince Caspian's father?

7.  Name the dwarf who wishes to kill Prince Caspian.  Why does he want to?

8.  What is the name of the people Prince Caspian wishes to bring an army against?

Oh, and feel free to make your own questions for me and others to try to answer concerning Prince Caspian or anything else!


  1. Sorry for any misspellings, I'm really tired right now... :( and spell check is acting up.
    1) "Well I didn't have a solid gold chess set in Finchley now did I?" --Edmund in the Walden Media movie. ;)
    2) Edmund's new torch, aka flashlight.
    3) because he didn't get one! since after all at the time the others got theirs he was with Jadis.
    4) I forget, lol.
    5) It starts with a C but I forget what it is right now...
    6) Prince Caspian's uncle, Miraze (spl?)
    7) Nickabick (spl?)
    8) Telmarines (spl?)

  2. Thanks for doing my quiz, Preciosa!! :)
