Monday, April 23, 2012

movies this Summer...and more movies!!

Anybody planning on going to see any movies coming out this Summer?  Has anyone already gone to see any movies this year?  I already saw The Hunger Games!!! And I think my brother and I are going to go see The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers. 
It seems like I'm turning into a total action movie fanatic!! Which is not a bad thing, but I don't think I ever would have seen that coming, actually. Oh well, now I'm getting off-subject. Yeah, this post is a little random, isn't it?  Sorry! :P 
What movies has everyone been watching lately? The other day I saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull for the second time. (Hey, another action movie!) Then last Saturday I was totally excited because Mission Impossible 4 (aaaand...another action movie!! Yay!!) came out on DVD and my brother got it and we couldn't wait until May to watch it (originally we were going to wait until he finished the semester...) I also saw Superman 4 (yeah I know...) recently and The Lovely Bones, both of which I liked.
Yay!! Lots of cool movies!!! 
Well, at least I hope that The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers are both good!!!  (I DO NOT WANT BATMAN TO GET KILLED OFF!!!!)


  1. I'm probably going to see the Avengers, but idk for sure. I'm pretty excited about it! :)
    Anyway, this year I've seen The Hunger Games and We Bought a Zoo in theaters, oh yeah, and Star Wars in 3D. lol
    Other movies I want to see this summer, Snow White and the Huntsman (although probably not in theater...) and...I'm pretty sure there was something else but I forget what. lol
    OH! I just saw Ramona and Beezes or Beezes and Ramona, I forget which name comes first, on Friday! :)

  2. oh cool!! i hope u get to see it!! I'm excited about it too!!
    I'm also excited about Batman! I found out yesterday it has Anne Hathaway in it!
    Yeah I've heard about Snow White and I think I've heard of the Huntsman too but I don't have any idea what it's about! ;)
    Yay! Ramona and Beezus is a cute movie! I enjoy that one. :)

  3. Thanks! :)
    I've never really gotten into Batman, but i do want to see them sometime I just probably won't see it in the theater, and since it has Anne Hathaway in it I'll probably like it more! ;) jk.
    LOL no the movie is Snow White and the Huntsman, they aren't two different movies. And it's new version of the old story of Snow White. :D

  4. LOL OH! yeah that's right!! That's why I thought it sounded I remember that that's the entire ;)

  5. lol yep! it comes out soon...actually today! :)
    OH and guess what?! I found out there's another movie comeing out this summer that I might go see, the Bourne Legacy. I wasn't going to see it but then I saw the preview recently and it looks reallly cool!!!

  6. oh okay! :) so do you think you'll go see "Snow White and the Huntsman"?
    I didn't know they were still making any of the Bourne movies! ;) (I haven't seen them but I have heard of them...)

  7. Idk, I might if someone would go with me... :D
    Yeah, they weren't going to, and then they decided to even though Matt Damon wouldn't do it, it's called the Bourne Legacy but Jason Bourne isn't like in it. (yeah, you should watch them! the ones that are already out are good weather the new is or not!)

  8. lol i would go w/ u :)

    LOL so I guess that's why they named it the Bourne Legacy, no Jason Bourne but they can jolly well still make movies in the series because he left a legacy! ;) lol idk for sure, just a guess!! :)

  9. lol aw thanks! :)
    haha probably, I don't know but it looks like a cool movie. Sometime you should watch the Bourne movies! idk if I already said that or not... but yep! :)
