Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Hunger Games

I finished The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins on Friday and saw the movie on Saturday.  Since I saw it so soon after reading the book, everything they changed even the slightest bit in the movie immediately jumped out at me!!
Good/Not-So-Good things about the movie (according only to me) ;)
  • I didn't think Peeta and Gale were as well-developed characters in the movie as in the book.
  • Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss didn't quite fit with my image of her at first, but I pretty quickly got used to her and thought she did a great job.
  • Taylor Swift's/The Civil Wars' song "Safe & Sound" song in the credits is really awesome!!
  • I liked the rest of the soundtrack (by James Newton Howard) too.  It may not be immediately memorable, but I felt that it fit with the movie.
  • I thought the movie was too long.  Perhaps it would have been an okay length, but I don't know what they would have had to do to make it an okay length. I almost feel like the book isn't long enough for the "epicly" long movie I think they were shooting for.
Just a few thoughts!! What did you like/dislike about The Hunger Games movie?


  1. You have got to be the only person I've heard say it was too long!! If anything it was way to SHORT! They already rushed it way toooo much!! Did you not notice how much they left out and shortened? I mean that part at the end of the games when Katness and Peeta are the only two left and they find out they can't both go home got cut down to like three sentences in the movie! And that last train ride? Really? They made that WAY to short! And what's up with leaving out Katness getting the bread from 11? Sorry... I'll stop now.

  2. Well after I all I did ask what you liked and disliked. Perhaps I need to explain myself better for why it was too long. Yes, I thought some things got cut too short, and also there were some things they left totally out that should have been left in! (Like the part when Katniss gets the bread from 11...I was like, why isn't she getting bread???)
    The thing is, is that I felt like the movie dragged on a bit in places. In short (haha) I didn't really think any specific part was too long, but just that in entirety, I thought perhaps the 2 and 1/2 hours were not used to the story's best interest, and that the timing was a little off (for instance, the parts that got cut too short or got completely cut out!! Doesn't that just SOOO ANNOY YOU??). Don't get me wrong! I like the movie!! And the book!

  3. lol true! :D btw the Taylor Swift song is awesome! ;)
    I see you're point, but I still think it was too short, (I mean really, how come we never have movies as long as LOTR anymore? Is our attention span really THAT short? Or is just that we're THAT attached to our phones?) if you have to rush everything, leave stuff out (some important stuff at that!), and make some pretty important scenes from the book really short then you're trying to make the movie too short.
    And DITTO! Although I have a lot of problems with the movie, I still liked it!!! And the book, well I wouldn't have been the first in line for the midnight showing of the movie if I didn't like the book! ;)

  4. Yeah it is awesome!! :)
    That's a very good point about our short attention spans. For me, I don't really think attention span was the problem. I think it was more just that I honestly think (and apparently our views just differ here & I guess we'll just have to disagree!! :) that they did not use the time they allotted to themselves in the best manner possible. I actually really like long movies...I would have loved it being 2 and 1/2 hours long if they had done a bit of a better job with plot devices, etc.
    LOL!!! :) I don't think I'd be able to go to a midnight showing!! I think I would feel too tired!! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yep!! :)
    Okay, so I totally get that! I mean, yeah they could have done a lot better on it, with timing, with following the book, with almost everything, BUT they also could have done a lot worse! Pretty much, yeah the timing was kinda bad, but, it would have been worse if it was shorter. That's just what I think...I get it if you think otherwise.
    LOL!! I was pretty tired by the end, but I stay up that late a lot anyway... :D Probably stated up later reading the book! hehe!

  7. LOL yep, I get what ur saying too!!! Yep apparently we just disagree, which is totally fine!!! :)
