Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Travelers, part 12

Taylor's head began to spin again. "Why would he choose Earth?"
"Why does the Emperor do anything?" Rita said bitterly.
"He's power-hungry," Thoren said, "if he controlled Earth, it would mean he dominated not one, but two Class M planets. Earth is envied for its resources and large population. You control Earth, you have domination over a huge amount food, energy and slaves. The truth is, there's not actually any need to abandon Faeldor. Besides, Earth is not an ideal place for the Ankleideigh Faeldorians to live. There's the problem with the oxygen, for one thing."
"The Earth's resources are dwindling, anyway," a weak voice came from deeper within the cave.
Taylor, Thoren, Rita, and Falcon jumped, greatly startled. Falcon drew a short sword from his belt.
"Who's there?" he demanded.
They heard a great deal of coughing and then the voice continued, "It's just me...Frank."
He emerged out of the darkness. His face was dusty and scratched. His hair was messy, and his clothes were dirty and rather torn.
"Frank!" Taylor cried.
She realized that all her anger at him had drained, leaving her feeling extremely relieved and happy to see him. She got up and ran to him, giving him a big hug. She never would have dared to hug him before. It would have been too awkward. But now pure fear had taken away any awkwardness between them, and Frank hugged her back.
"Are you okay?" Taylor asked.
It was a silly question; Frank was limping slightly, and he looked like someone who had been taking part in relentless hand-to-hand combat. But Frank smiled shakily.
"I'll be fine. How are you?"
He squinted through the dimness at her. Taylor sighed.
"I'm fine. But only thanks to Thoren."
Frank gazed at Thoren. They were about the same height, but Thoren looked a little older, somehow. Taylor wondered if perhaps they were the same age, but of course Thoren would look older; he had been through more trying circumstances than Frank.
"So you're Frank." Thoren said, breaking the silence.
Frank nodded. "I take it you're Thoren."
"I am," Thoren replied.
"I guess my thanks are in order...?" Frank said. "For taking in Taylor after I was captured. Thank you."
"It was my pleasure," Thoren said, sending a glare in the direction of the heavy door that separated them from the Chamber of the Headmaster. "I don't approve of what the Emperor is making the Ankleideigh do. I will do everything I can keep to my people from carrying out the Emperor's plot."
Rita sneered at him. "You're only traitor, Thoren. No one else is stupid enough to speak out against the Emperor."
Falcon laughed nervously. Thoren gave him and Rita a hard stare.
"I'm the only one brave enough at the moment to become a traitor against the Emperor. It doesn't need to stay that way," he said carefully.
"What are you saying?" Rita said.
Falcon and Frank turned and looked at Thoren.
"We'll help," Taylor said, suddenly.
"What...why?" Thoren said, "you and Frank are the victims of all of this. You should hate all of us."
"I don't hate you at all, Thoren," Taylor said. "You've helped me this whole time. Anyway, is there really any chance of me and Frank being turned free?"
Thoren sighed. "Not really."
"That's what I thought," Taylor said, "so what is there for us to do but join your cause?"
"Taylor's right," Frank said, "otherwise, we'll just be locked up in here, not able to do anything, and not free to go home. There's nothing else we can do. Taylor and I volunteer to become traitors of the Emperor, but only if you lead us, Thoren. If Taylor trusts you, then so do I."
Thoren looked conflicted, but then sighed and nodded. "I hate to see you two being put in danger, but it's probably not any more dangerous than leaving you in the Headmaster's hands. My thanks are due to both of you. We're not fighting only for my people, anymore. We're fighting for yours."
Thoren turned to Rita and Falcon. They looked nervous and undecided.
"You two, what will it be? Will you stay under the grip of the Emperor, and tell the Headmaster about our cause, or will you turn from the Emperor's cause and join ours?"
There was a long silence. Drops of water could be heard, and muffled voices in the Chamber of the Headmaster. Thoren, Taylor, and Frank stood together, facin Rita and Falcon. Finally, Rita spoke.
"We'll join with you."
The Travelers, Copyright 2012, by Katy Allie. All rights reserved.

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