Sunday, January 29, 2012

how have you been enjoying 'The Travelers'?

I have just last week posted the fifth part of 'The Travelers'. Soon I will be posting the next part! I am wondering what you think about it, so far. What has been your favorite part up to this point? Who is your favorite character?
Tell me below in the comments!


    My favorite part? The eating of the crow! I was just watching some out the window and was wondering how they would taste.... :)
    My favorite character? Thoren. I like him a lot for some reason. Now that you know I hope you don't kill him off....... But if you do don't make it too painful! (And have him put up a good fight.) :)
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks, Payton! Also, thank you so much for commenting. I really love hearing about what my readers think about my writing. It's fun to hear about the finer details, your favorite characters and such.

    Yeah, I think they probably wouldn't taste all that good, but I kind of like the imagery of him catching a crow and them eating it!

    I like Thoren, too. He's mysterious, and gruff on the outside, but he seems to have a sweeter, gentler side that he keeps hidden--which I guess adds to his being mysterious!

    He's also, I realize now, the most-developed character so far. I'm going to have to work on strengthening the characters of Taylor and Frank. :)

    You've made me think about some stuff I need to be doing better on in this story! :)

    Thanks! I will try my best to keep the story going well!

  3. hehe haven't gotten to read part 5 yet, at least I don't think I have,since I haven't really been on here in...what a week and five days? lol but anyway, what I've read I've really liked it! And I can't wait to read part bad it'll probably be another like 4 days before I get the chance. :( And by then I guess part 6 will probably be up. :) So I can't wait for it either! :)
    ANYWAY! I don't know what my favorite part would be... lol but you know how I am with favorites...which brings us to favorite character.
    I don't really have a favorite yet...but it might be the crow. ;) or maybe Henchman #35, not that he's come in well. lol jk, but really I don't have a favorite yet. :D

    I also would like to say Katy: I am really sorry if I don't read all the posts you've made in the last week and five days for a long time! I have a feeling I'm going to be busy for a while (helping Andy and Rosana, school, getting back into non post surgery life, and planning a coffee chat with you! ;)Oh yeah and while we're at it maybe seeing what's been going on on my blog? If anything.) BUT I will be sure to make time to read the Travelers! and any other posts you make since I am not being lazy and trying not to be vertical as much as possible so that I can stop tasting blood/so I don't taste blood again anymore. :) (hehe doesn't that just make you even more excited for Tuesday? ;D)

  4. Hey Preciosa! :)
    LOL it's totally fine!! :D I know you've been busy healing up and all and that's what I WANT you to be doing!! :)
    Hum....maybe I should add a Henchman #35.
    Our coffee chat will be FUN! :D
    LOL haha very funny!! no that will NOT be fun but at least I have people who support me!

  5. Hey Katy! :)
    lol yep... Thanks!! :)
    LOL! :D you don't have to, I was just being crazy, but hey that'd be kinda cool if you did! :D lol i was thinking it might be fun to write a story about a Henchman #35 so if you add one I'll write a story about him and then post it! ;) SO YOU BETTER NOT KILL HIM! oops lol I did NOT mean for that to be all caps! lol
    ANYWAY! Yep I can't wait for our coffee chat! It'll be fun!
    lol yep, enjoy what you can, and ice cream is there for all the things you can't! jk sorta. :D I wish I could be there to support u and nurse you! <3

  6. hey Preciosa!!
    hope ur doing well w/ all your healing :)
    LOL no I just might add a Henchman #35 and then yep that would be fun if u wrote a story w/ a Henchman #35 too, whether it was the same one in my story or not! hehe! :) LOL ok if i add him to my story i won't kill him :) but don't kill him in your story either!
    YEAH! :) we'll do it as a celebration when we're both totally done w/ our wisdom teeth healing!
    yeah the ice cream has been totally yummy.
    AWw thank you!! that's so nice of you! :) well u have been a great support w/ your texts and card and stuff! :)

  7. hey Katy! :)
    Thanks! for the most part I am! :D hope you are too!!!
    Lol cooL! Can't wait to see what Henchman #35 is like! :D lol okay I won't kill him if I write a story about him! :)
    Yay! THat sounds AWESOME! :)
    mmm ice cream! I want to have my teeth out again so I can have more! ;) jk! :D
    Well I'm glad I could be support in some way! :)

  8. I like Taylor best because she's gutsy even when she's scared. This story has totally pulled me in---for the 2nd time----and I'm thinking about the characters when I'm away from it.
