Tuesday, January 24, 2012

College! Yay...and...AAAAH!

Let's face it, all of us teens who are getting old enough to be thinking about college: it's scary!! It's exciting, yes, but also scary! Suddenly it's like we're changing at a faster pace than before; we're thinking about what it's going to be like not to be in high school anymore. Before you know it, you're faced with a lot of big decisions.

Which college shall I go to???

AAAHH!! Should I take the SAT (or replace with another standardized test!) again??

Oh no! I don't know what I want to study!!

I don't feel like getting in my application(s). It sounds like too much work!

My answers to these questions were split between easy and difficult.
My answer to question one was easy, because I wanted to go to Uconn. I know, though, that some people have a hard time choosing which colleges to apply to, and ultimately, which one they want to study at.
Question 2: I felt like I could do a better job if I took the SAT again, and I did do a better job! So--my advice? If your instinct is saying you could do better, take the test again; you won't regret it.
The "what to study" question is difficult! I am down as a pre-teaching major for Uconn, as I am thinking about studying special ed and possibly social work (which would necessitate grad school). I'm not sure, though, if any of this is actually what I want to do! I might change the major once, twice, who knows? I think the important thing is that you choose SOMETHING you MIGHT want to do, and try it out, or if, as you're thinking it over, consider changing it if suddenly you think, "Geez, I REALLY don't want to major in that!" Also, you can always change your major after you start college! Plenty of people do this.
The answer to question 4 is, get down and just fill out those applications! I ended up doing early decision for Uconn and was VERY happy I did so, even though I got started a bit later than I should have. I have already gotten their decision back, and now I don't have to worry about getting it in later. The applications aren't that hard once you just get to work on them.
Just thought I'd talk a bit about my own experience as far as getting ready for college, etc. I hope this is helpful for anyone else who is facing the "YAY! COLLEGE! COLLEGE? SCARY!" period of life. :)


  1. LOL!! YESS!! I know EXACTLY what you mean!! :D it's sooo stressful and like... confusing :D

    1. YEAH I KNOW!! I kept putting off sending in my application, as all procrastinators will do, and people kept asking me, "Have you applied yet?", which made it more stressful!
      As for the confusion, YES, I know what you mean by that too!! I think w/e you decide to study, you're going to rock at, because let's face it, you ROCK! :)

  2. Lol!! Yeah, i know same here! All i have left for mine is the FAFSA...which i CAN'T do yet so I don't feel quite so bad about that lol... but yeahhh...
    Thanks girl!!! :) Yeah, I am actually meeting with a Marine recruiter on monday...not cause i'm interested necessarily, but on the phone he said why not at least check out all your options, right?? And I agree! Sooo yeah. :)

  3. well hope u have a good meeting and that it helps you think about all your different choices! :)
