Thursday, December 15, 2011

Don't Lose Your Focus!

As Christmas draws near, I find myself running myself ragged at times. What with making sure everything is ready for the holiday, and doing everything else that I usually do, such as school, it can be easy to become emotionally drained--and certainly sometimes physically exhausted! It's all worth it when Christmas arrives, and don't get me wrong! I love everything about Christmas. I just think that it's easy to lose focus, and become emotionally exhausted at the same time. So what do you do when you suddenly realize you're exhausted and stressed? I think it's important to make sure you have time to just relax during all of the mayhem that accompanies Christmas. After all, Christmas is NOT about the presents or the mayhem. So what is it about? Well, you should know. You just need to make sure you keep your focus so you don't totally forget what it is about.
Early Feliz Navidad--remember that 'Christmas' means 'coming of Christ'. :)

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