Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bruno Mars

Some pop music with lots of bells and whistles (such as when it's obvious the person's voice has been run through auto-tuning and other electric stuff) can be fine and even enjoyable to listen to. I would call it an art form, really. Other times, however, you may wish you could hear pop music being sung by people who actually can sing. Or, you may be listening to the radio, and suddenly you hear someone singing, and you think, "Hey! They're actually good, and it doesn't sound like they had to do tons of stuff to make the singing enjoyable to listen to!" If you're really wishing you could find music like this, however, I would recommend Bruno Mars. Bruno Mars isn't totally new, but he's also a sort of recent sensation in the pop music world. Surprisingly, he doesn't seem to be as famous as maybe he should be. In an industry of many artists and songs that have obviously been tampered with to make them worth listening to, Bruno Mars seems to need very little help. He is a very good singer, with a nice range, of fairly low to pleasantly high. You don't hear many men pop singers who 1) sing high or (2 sing high well, but Bruno Mars can do both. He has very good technique and is obviously a skilled and gifted singer. I really recommend giving his songs a try.


  1. Haven't heard to much of his stuff but I like what I've heard! :)

  2. That is SOOOO awesome that you like Bruno Mars!!!! :D LOL!! At first the songs I heard that were done by him (aside from Just the Way You Are) I found pretty annoying.... but then he did a song called It Will Rain and I watched the music video and all of a sudden...I LOVE HIS MUSIC!!!!! LOL!!! It Will Rain is also on the Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 soundtrack which is awesome....and....I have to admit that Mr. Mars is CUUUUTE!!! ;D Of course that could be my latin blood speaking cuz although he is Hawaiian, he looks latin :)...
    p.s. did you know his real name is Peter Gene Hernandez??

  3. You like Bruno Mars too?? :D SUHWEEEET!! I used to only know of Just the Way You Are, like before I even knew about Bruno Mars! I like that one pretty well, but I like Grenade better, and even though I am not a Twilight fan I LOVE It Will Rain!!!! GREAT SONG!!
    Hehe!! No I totally agree Bruno Mars is pretty cute!
    No, I didn't know that!! Whoa!! Not as good a stage name, I guess! :) But that's AWESOME you also like Bruno Mars!
