Thursday, November 3, 2011

Awesome Friends!

OK, so, I have known Rene and her sister Maria for...I'm not sure how many years...maybe about five. The three of us started out as pen-pals. Maria and I still talk now and then, on Skype an such, which is fun! Then, after about two years, Rene and I became e-mail pals!! Haha!!! For which I thank her for e-mailing me because we'd kinda stopped writing each other. THANK YOU RENE; YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!! In 2009, Rene introduced me (through the good old internet) to her cousin, Preciosa. I never properly thanked you for that either, Rene...;) Anyway, Preciosa and I got along really well too and pretty soon I had another AWESOME friend!
I feel so special to have such amazing friends and honorary cousins!!!! :) Cheers! I just like to remember how and when we all met and I thought everyone else might like to hear it too!! :)


  1. AW! Anyway...
    @Rene: Yeah THANK YOU FOR INTRODUCING ME AND KATY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
    lol naywya. Katy: You're AWESOME friend TOO!!!!!!!!! :) <3
    (Jan 16, 09 is the first time we chatted! :)

  2. @Rene: YEAH TOTALLY DITTO ON WHAT PRECIOSA SAID! you're awesome!!
    @Preciosa: Aw thanks!!!! :) <3 you're totally awesome too!!! :) Cool!!! Wow we've known each other ALMOST for three years! but it sorta feels longer than that!
