Saturday, November 12, 2011

10 things you may not know about me!

I challenge my other blogging friends to do this!! :)
1. I like to sing songs around the house (Broadway, Christmas, pop songs...)
2. For some reason, I like to make fun of things I like. (?)
3. The first musical instrument I learned was the violin.
4. I am probably one of the only teenagers who does not have a cell phone (but I will have to get one soon because I will hopefully be getting a job soon and I will be going to college next year).
5. I have been homeschooled for my whole life; my brother likes to joke, I was a nursery school drop-out and my mom pretty soon after that started me with homeschooling.
6. I like to quote things (movies, mostly...;)
7. I am not very picky about movies.
8. I am distantly related to John Newton, who wrote Amazing Grace.
9. I am extremely close to my two older brothers.
10. I saw Billy Boyd, Elijah Wood and Howard Shore from very far away in 2009 at Radio City Music Hall.


  1. That is SOOOO AWESOME!!!!!! :D thanks Katy!!! :) lol that is a really kool post ;)

  2. LOL!! thanks!!! I had fun writing it! hehe!! Really?? I'm so happy it's really kool! :)

  3. lol. I actually did know some of that stuff, but still cool!
    and I'd do it on my blog...but I'm not sure I could come up with 10 things lol
