Thursday, September 29, 2011


Yep, that's right! Chocolate, that yummy creamy stuff that just makes you melt! Okay, am I being to dramatic? lol. But really it makes me melt sometimes, in a way. SO anyway. Chocolate, well lets talk about dark Chocolate for a little. You know, that Chocolate, that's deep and dark and yummyness just melts in your mouth like sugar dissolves in water. And the best part? It's healthy, even health freaks say so! They say that creamy goodness is good for your hart, at least if you haven't had milk in the last half hour, or something like that. Yeah. See what I mean about it melting you? I'm just melting sitting here thinking about it!
Moving on. Milk Chocolate, not as good for you as Dark Chocolate, but it tastes just as amazing! And chocolate is a bean, so it's all good for you, right? The sweet, creamy, yummy stuff that also melts in your mouth. Sadly it also melts in the sun.
NOw on to White Chocolate. I actually haven't had as much of this so I can give an opinion on it, it's good yes. But then it has Chocolate in the name. But I hear that it's not actually Chocolate...
Okay moving on again.
HOT Chocolate! And I don't just mean the drink, which is it's own post, I mean when Chocolate, is baked into a cake or just melted on it's own and is so amazing that we eat it at birthdays. Yeah, that kinda of HOT. I'm not really sure what else to say about it though, because it's just to amazing.
But anyway, maybe sometime I'll get around to talking about how peanut butter is amazing with chocolate. But actually this is longer already then I thought it would be, and I haven't even gotten to Chocolate Chips! Which if you're wondering, are soo good that I don't think they should be used ONLY for baking. They're AMAZING by them selves. Or melted. MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, that's also what i mean about Chocolate making you melt! Those yummy, creamy smooth dark melted Chocolate Chips, that if they were in a bigger bowl you would almost want to jump into them! Except that then it'd be kinda gross to eat them.
Anyway, if I haven't convinced you that Chocolate is amazing yet, think about this, The Mayans would actually use the cocoa bean as MONEY! That's right, instead of gold, or silver, they choose Chocolate as their money. And so only the rich actually got to eat Chocolate, because they were the only ones that could afford it. Although sometimes the poor would eat it and then get some dirt to refill the shell with. Yeah, counterfeiting was around even back then.
Anyway. this post actually has to end, but that's probably a good thing, because that means you can get up and go get some Chocolate to eat instead of just sitting there thinking "Man! I want CHOCOLATE!"


  1. hehe! Great post, Preciosa!! It's so fun! And i LOVE the way it ends!!!
    btw, when u were talking about hot chocolate, as in melted chocolate and all, I remembered how sometimes we make this DELICIOUS chocolate "sauce" for ice cream...we use chocolate chips, and Earth Balance, which is a healthy substitute for margarine...anyway, you put in some Earth Balance, and a bunch of chips, and melt it until it's all pretty much uniform, and put it on your ice cream...and it hardens, too! and it's soo rich and yummy! LOL chocolate is fun to talk about!

  2. LOL thanks Katy!!! :D
    Mmmm that sounds good!!!!! We'll have to try it some time. Have you ever had that like Turtle Shell or w/e it's called, you know that sauce stuff for ice cream that when you put it on it like hardens into a shell? Yeah, I love that stuff! :) LOL anyway, yep chocolate is fun to talk about!! :D

  3. Yeah!! I've had the turtle shell!!! that stuff we make i was tell u about is a lot like it, but we usually have dark chocolate chips so it's really rich and yummy!

  4. ROFLOL!!!!!!! THAT'S AWESOME!!!!! :D
