Saturday, September 24, 2011

I was tagged!

Mongoo over at The Life of a Girl tagged me! :) So here goes! :)
1. Favorite Sport: horseback riding, when I get the chance :)

2. A Good Name for a Dog: Nero (for a German Shepherd...)

3. Favorite Animal: basically any...especially cats, dogs, rabbits, horses...tons of others lol someday I think I might get a bearded dragon and/or a macaw or African Gray Parrot but yeah not sure. :)

4. Favorite Subject in School: writing! and right now science too because i'm reading a really interesting anthropology book.

5. Favorite Drink: I mostly drink water...but I also like coffee, soda, hot cocoa..yep.

6. Last Song You Heard: just listened to Waiting Outside the Lines by Greyson Chance, now listening to Fine By Me by Andy Grammer

7. Do you like to make people laugh: YES!!!

8. Favorite Color: I like a lot of of my very favorites is that really light, soft green not exactly lime but a bit softer.

9. Favorite Hobby: ummmmmm...playing the piano, singing...I like lots of different stuff.

10. School Grade you are in: 12th


  1. you didn't tag anyone... just saying....

  2. I know...i forgot about that last night, but I actually don't have anyone to tag...

  3. I mean I could tag someone who was already tagged but what's the point of that? ;)
