Friday, September 30, 2011

The Chicken Project

So some of you know that my family consists of not only people, but cats, bunnies, and chickens! Mostly chickens, though, since we have 19 of them at the moment, and only 4 people, 3 cats, and 2 bunnies. Anyway, I thought it'd be fun to introduce you to all of them, since each of them is cute (in his or her own way) and fun to have around (again, in his or her own way!)...and yes, ALL of them have names or at least nicknames. We don't kill our chickens for food, but they do give us very nice eggs! And, while I don't like to eat eggs on their own, I do like them in baking, etc...they have very nice, healthy yellow yokes, and some of our chickens give us these light green eggs! (If they're part Aracauna or Americana, and we have some part Aracaunas and a couple of Bantam Aracaunas.) The green ones are funny around Easter time because you hardly even have to dye them! Except it's kinda fun to dip the green ones in the different dyes to get interesting color combinations!
So, little by little, I'll be introducing you to our chicken family!


  1. Oooh! I love chickens! We used to raise them every spring and then give them away. We've had bantams before, they were cute but the roosters were mean. They also woke up all the neighbors since we live in town. We've also raised TONS of ducks. I loved the ducks but our chicken named Hannah was my favorite birdie friend. She would follow us around. We gave her to a petting zoo which loved her so much that even when they had to sell all their animals, but they kept Hannah!
    Sorry this is long!

  2. @Payton: yeah, aren't they great? :) Yeah, we've never had a full-bred bantam rooster...but we have had mean roosters; that's happened when we have too many roosters and/or when they're part Silky (those can be mean...)
    AWW I love ducks! but we have no water for them so we can't have any...
    Aw! Hannah sounds sweet!
    @Preciosa: Yeah, the green eggs are cool!! Sometime I should take a picture of one or two of them and post it...

  3. I would love to see a picture of the green eggs! :D Actually I'd love to see the green eggs in person! And can I have some ham with them? ;)

  4. Yeah so I should take a picture of them...:) LOL sure you can have some ham with them!
