Wednesday, March 20, 2013


That's right people! It's time to get down to busyness! We are talking about POPCORN today! ;) Why? because it's a very...important and...tasty food! Without popcorn movies would be less popcorny! and then what would the people who work at theaters have to clean up after all of us sloby movie goers? GASP! not peanuts! And then what would all those poor people that are allergic to peanuts eat? Surly we can not deprive them of that buttery goodness now!!
Okay but no really, popcorn is really just an amazing food! It starts out these hard kernel things and then you heat it up and this fluffy white yumminess come BURSTING out and it's like a butterfly coming out of it's...shel! And then you can put butter and salt and other seasoning on it and make it even yummier! And it's soo crunchy and salty and yummy and you can put cheese powder on it and then it's REALLY YUMMY!!! And even that popcorn with carmel or w/e it is all over it is good! And to think that orthodontists don't let all those poor kids with braces eat any popcorn for TWO HOLE YEARS just breaks my little hart! Okay not really but if there are any orthodontists reading this, take it from someone that had braces it's just mean not let us eat popcorn for that long!
Anyway if you really think about it we can learn from popcorn! Just cause someone is hard and hurts like when you try eating a kernel doesn't mean they can't change, just show them a little warmth and heat them up (in a good way) and POP they can be fluffy and soft! Like kittens. But remember, just like kernels not everyone will change because there are always those kernels at the bottom of the pot that won't pop.
p.s. this is Katy and I totally agree, popcorn is awesome!!! :) try some! eat some! have some more!!


  1. You're making me want popcorn! You are right about its deliciousness! I love those tins at christmas, all the yummy flavors in one festive container!

  2. mmmm i'm making me want popcorn!!!! are kidding?!?!?!?! I LOVE THOSE TINS!!!! They're like the best!!!! well okay maybe not cause i also like movie theater popcorn....but yeah those tins probably win!!!

  3. Yeah I'd take some popcorn right about now. :)
