Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Peru journal--Day 6

Let me just say I am so sorry it's taken me so long to post all of my Peru journal entries. I can't believe it's been a year since going to Peru--and I still haven't finished posting all of these! Yikes! Anyway, SORRY AGAIN!! Here's part 6!!!
Day 6: Thursday, July 21st, 2011
Third trip to Huambo
Today, it was back to Huambo for my mom & I. Once again, we took horses (the Bay & Dun as yesterday) and headed out of Cabana w/ Francesca ("Panchita"--nickname), the teacher of the little kids at the Huambo school.

The horses in Peru are pretty amazing. They are extremely sturdy, strong & surefooted, and very loyal, it seems. You hardly have to tie them up to make them stay in one place, & a lot of times, they aren't (same w/ donkeys)--just a halter with a rope trailing on the ground.

The St. James Festival continues. I hear it really gets going today & tonight. With bands going on every 15-20 minutes (about) & into the night and sometimes through the night, it can be hard to get adequate sleep. That, and, being away from home.

Speaking of which, I miss CT! And New England & the United States! I feel so far & isolated  from my country. Don't get me wrong--Peru is an amazing place--but I miss practically everything there is to miss! For instance, I wish I could eat one of Daniel's homemade cookies! And I miss my friends, and talking to them. I miss my family, my animals...& yes, even (sort of!) the sweltering CT weather. I can't pick up American pop music here (& you say, "and that's a BAD thing??") on my mp3 player. However, I have plenty of music (incl. lots of songs in English!) on my mp3 player, plus some videos. In short, I have pieces of home, but not home.

I am sitting here while St. James festivities continue in the streets of Cabana. It's a lively fiesta--a different kind of lively than we have in the United States of American. Man, I never knew I could miss my own country (& language) so much. IN another week we'll be starting the long journey away from the old, bustling Lima, & back to the familiar turf of NY, & then finally back home.


  1. And here we are a year later. What an experience. And reading your notes brings it all back so clearly. I'm excited to be planning a return trip next summer, even if Katy can't go with me next time!

  2. I MISSED YOU TOO WHILE YOU WERE GONE!!!!! lol. thanks for posting! even if it is a year after... :D

  3. @Mom--yeah it was! It's fun re-reading my journal entries, even if I got a little complain-ey at times about missing home, etc. :) I'm so glad you have a chance to go back to Peru even if I don't end up going.
    @Preciosa--YEAH!!! i hated not being able to talk to you and stuff while I was away. :( lol ur welcome! sry it's taking so long to get them all up.

  4. :( you shouldn't be away from the internet for that long! it was sad not being about to chat w/ u! lol it's okay! Just please don't take a year to post the next part in the Travelers! ;)
