Sunday, May 20, 2012

Poem, "I Feel More Precious"

This morning in Sunday School we had this poem by Michelangelo (and I didn't know he'd even written poetry!) Anyway it's a nice poem and I thought I'd share it.

I Feel More Precious
by Michelangelo
I feel more precious, I am more than one,
For, since you held my heart, my worth grew more:
A marble block, when carving has been done,
Is not the rough, cheap stone it was before.

As paper painted or just written on
No longer is a rag one can ignore,
So, since you looked at me, and I was won,
My value has increased for evermore.

Now with your splendor printed on my face,
I go like one who, dressed with every kind
Of amulets and arms, can dare all wars.
I can walk on the ocean, brave all blaze,
Give in your name the light to all the blind,
And my saliva heals all poisonous sores.

Source: Michelangelo Buonarroti,“I Feel More Precious” from The
Complete Poems of Michelangelo
, translated by Joseph Tusiani (New York:
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1960).

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