Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Peru journal--Day 5

Day 5: Wednesday, July 20th, 20ll
Second Trip to Huambo
A list of things I experienced for the first time in Peru:

  • Danced in St. James Festival with Cabana citizens
  • First time being in minority (my mom and I are the only white people for miles...which is probably an understatement...)
  • Heard a Justin Bieber song ("Baby") practically out in the middle of nowhere while riding back from Huambo (a couple of the little girls had a hand-held radio). Boy, did THAT seem out of place. But, I was glad to, out of the blue, hear my own native language in a song that seemed very familiar.
  • First time riding a horse in the Andes mountains.
Yep, today, we (my mom, Maria, and I) rode horses to the school in Huambo! What an experience! The rocky slop[es and drop offs, plus the panoramic views, made for quite an interesting time.
My horse was very pretty mare with a nice personality to match. On the way back from the school, she seemed to get kind of tired (I can hardly blame her).
Here, it's cold in the early mornings, and evenings, but when the sun is out between 9 A.M. and 3 P.M., it's very warm, unless you go into the shade, in which you feel chilly again! I hear it can get up to 90 degrees, even in winter, during the hottest part of the day!
At the Huambo school, I took more pictures and videos (we took some yesterday, too), and my mom and I taught the older kids a bit more English, through singing with them. We also did some more music with them, with musical instruments we bought for them in the States (6 recorders, some rhythm instruments, and a small drum) which all the kids thoroughly enjoy. We taught them some of our songs (both in English and Spanish) and one with just vocables and humming. All in all this trip is proving to be very interesting and educational, although I am really starting to miss home.

Me and my horse!

My horse! I would have taken her home with me if I could have!

Inside the older kids' classroom.


  1. Cool!!! I like your horse!! :) Sounds like you had a lot of fun!! :)

  2. yeah me too!! :) yeah it was fun riding to and from school!! although towards the end of the way back I would always feel kinda tired and achey because the ride was long and we had to go up these rocky slopes and stuff....

  3. WHOA!!!!!!! that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!! You got to dance at a festival!?!?!? Jealous!!! :D and that's hilarious about hearing that Justin Bieber song lol!!! your horse looks really coool!!!!! that would have been awesome if you could have kept her lol... aww what was her name??

  4. LOL THANKS!!! LOL yeah it was fun!! You would've loved it lol!! :) My friend Cindy got me to dance w/ the teenagers and they just accepted me right in! :) When the teenagers dance it actually gets REALLY chaotic and sorta dangerous lol because, lol, the fast parts of the music meant the circles of people holding hands would try to break apart the other circles! But it was fun! :D She is realllly cool! LOL :D I KNOW RIGHT? that would have rocked...anyway it didn't seem like she had name; I sorta tried to think of one I could call her, but I never really came up with anything very good. ;)
