Friday, August 5, 2011

Peru journal--Day 1

Hey, everyone! My mom and I got back from Peru a week ago, and have been resting up and getting used to our own lives again. While I was away, I kept a journal. I made an entry for each day...and if for whatever reason I didn't make an entry for one day, I would do it the next day. To give you a good idea of our trip, here is my journal, and a bunch of pictures! :) Each day, I will publish one day from my journal, and some photos. For today, however, I don't have any pictures for the first leg of our journey, but hope you enjoy the journal entry! :)
Day 1: Saturday, July 16th, 2011
The Start of a Journey
We left from my house at about quarter after one in the morning. I stayed up until then, as did my brother, Daniel, who wanted to see us off. He and I watched Star Wars Episode 3, which lasted nine to eleven thirty P.M.
We met our travel companions at their home: Maria, her husband, and their eight-year-old daughter.
From there, a limo bus service drove us to Newark, New Jersey in a matter of only about two and one half hours (the driver went frighteningly quickly).
With airports, you can always be sure SOMETHING will go wrong. At about 4:30 A.M. we arrived at the Newark Airport. We waited in line for a long time, while events of the past few hours seemed to stretch and fade, farther and farther away. Then came a problem with my mom's and my boarding passes. After what seemed like WAY TOO LONG! ;) they got it sorted out and we were on our way, now without the burden of many heavy suitcases.
After going through a (thankfully) uneventful security check, we came out onto Newark's main concourse, where we discovered the sun was beginning to rise, leaving a beautiful orange and pink sky. We found our gate, after my mom and I got some coffee, and I got a bagel with cream cheese. (Dunkin' Donuts is TRULY everywhere!--Not that I had any doubt that it was...although I think it is way more common in some areas of the U.S. than others.)
The gate on the other side of ours at Newark had a great view of the Manhattan, New York, skyline, as the big red sun rose. The Empire State Building was visible, and the entire skyline had a bit of a "postcard look".
At about 7:30 A.M. we were told that our Continental Airlines flight to Panama was about to begin boarding. By about twenty minutes or so later, we were on the large plane.
At 12:30 P.M. (Panama time!--which is one hour earlier than Eastern Standard Time) we arrived here at the Panama airport, after a long and rather uncomfortable flight (those chairs just don't stay comfy for that long!)
We've had a late lunch--shrimp soup, and I had chips and fruit juice, and my mom had a fruit salad.
At about 5:30 P.M. we have to be at our gate for a flight that will take us directly to LIMA, PERU! That flight will last, roughly, from 6:30 to 10:00. Tonight we will stay in Lima, one of the oldest cities in teh world. Until tomorrow, adios! :)


  1. HEY!!! DUDE!! THAT IS SOOOO COOOL!!! thanks for posting this!!!!! :)

  2. LOL THANKS RENE!!! :) & you're welcome! More to come!! MUCH more!! MWA HAHA!! lol sry ;)
