Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hello People!

You know how there have been really annoying things that people have gotten into the habit of saying like...way too much? One that used to really bug me was when someone would say something like, "Hello peoples!" PEOPLES is NOT a word!!! Anyway that's just something random for everybody! :)
Anyway, some other news for you:
  • Happy 30th birthday to one of my favorite actors, one of the Narnia guys! Ben Barnes' birthday is today, August 20th! Happy Birthday, Ben! :)
  • Rest assured, I have not forgotten about my Peru journal. I just have not wanted to put in an entry day after is actually a rather time-consuming project and so I don't always feel like doing it. BUT you WILL see the rest of them eventually! :)
  • Guess what? Some of you know I was sick the day I took the good ol' SAT. Well...long story short it made my scores not as good, so we decided I should take it again, fun fun...I am now scheduled to take it again October 1st. Any positive thoughts are appreciated! :) Thanks!
  • My website, A Little Piece of Middle-Earth, is popular lol. So...I am probably going to be making some changes to it, at least give it a new look. I feel rather burnt out about it at the moment, to tell you the truth.
  • This is the 121st post! Cool, right?? :)


  1. um...sorry I think I at least used to say "Hello peoples" sometimes. But then again I've always liked making up words from other words.
    YAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN!!! two days late... lol
    Don't worry about it!! Take your time!!!!
    I've been on there a couple times recently but haven't done that much...sad how dead it is on there and msh!
    Hmm. Cool.

  2. hey!!! LOL that's okay, I think I've said it a couple times too like as a joke or w/e. What really annoyed me was like when people used to say it like ALL the time......but yeah.
    THANK YOU!!!!!! :D
    And yes it is sad...I have to get on MSH and do SOMETHING on there!

  3. oh okay. well then I'm not sorry for saying it! jk! ;) lol
    ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. LOL no don't be sorry.......anyway I'm sort of over it now. ;)

  5. lol okay, if you say so! :D oh okay...well I kinda don't say it much anyway.

  6. Awwww GOOD LUCK W/ THE SAT!!!!!! I KNOW YOU WILL DO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO GO SHOW THAT TEST WHO'S BOSS!!!!!!!!!! LOL! :) ...yeah i gotta admit i have used the word "peoples" a lot... :/ mea culpa!! lol... but yeah.....and i'm really sorry i haven't been on your website in forever!!!! actually i feel really bad that i haven't really been on ANYTHING in forever!!!!! :( ;'( ....SO SORRY!!!!! MEA CULPA, MEA CULPA, MEA MAXIMA CULPA!!!!!!!!! ...srry just seemed fitting to say...

  7. AWW THANKS!!!! I WILL TRY MY BEST!!! :D LOL don't worry about it, like I said to Preciosa, I'm pretty much over it, and even if I wasn't, it's not like I have any power over any of it, so yep!
    Oh it's okay!!! Don't worry about that either! :) We're just happy when you're able to get on here! :)
