Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fun, interesting things to do as you learn a language

I've been learning Spanish since I started high-school, and as I've gone along I've used a lot of cool ways to help me! Aside from working on writing, speaking, and learning tenses, etc., in a different language, it's also a really good idea to keep in mind that you should do some stuff that's just fun, to help you start internalizing the language. I just started reading Un Mal Principio (The Bad Beginning, by Lemony Snicket!) today, and I've read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and Prince Caspian (C.S. Lewis), in Spanish. I keep the English version open and read it along to help me learn the Spanish.

Another fun thing I do is watch movies and TV shows dubbed and/or with subtitles in Spanish. I've watched a couple episodes of this Spanish soap-opera online recently; these are kinda funny and they're so melodramatic! :)

I also participate in can work on learning helpful Spanish words and phrases, and at the same time donate rice to people who need food.


  1. hehe Hannah I used to try learning Spanish from watching movies we had seen a hundred times in Spanish. It didn't work. lol we would start and five minutes in we would get annoyed that the voices sounded different! :D And then I'd watch movies dad was watching b4 showing them to his students, it was pretty boring and I didn't learn anything. :D

  2. LOL! well i think just watching movies wouldn't be very helpful but in addition to the stuff that u need to do to learn a language (that isn't always as fun) it's really fun!!, and it actually does kinda help becuz u can hear Spanish being spoken and work on comprehension :)

  3. LOL yeah...actually i didn't find watching most movies in spanish very fun. There was this one dad was going to show to his students, and I spent like 2 hours reading what the ppl were saying and then it had this horrible ending, and there was only like part of the movie that was interesting. Yeah, actually not all the movies were that bad, and I learned a little spanish history from a couple of them! :D oh and although I strongly advised against it dad showed the one with the horrible ending to his students.
