Monday, February 13, 2012

So I was looking at Really Kool Posts, which has a new post everyone should look at!! & I was thinking I should do a post with some pictures. So...

Snow last year--strangely we've hardly had any this year! (photo credit: Katy Allie.)

Me standing with one of the president statues (this is Truman) in Rapid City, SD. This was in, I guess maybe '06. Wow, I look little!! (Photo credit: John Allie.)

Most recent photo: our three cats all eating "yummy" canned cat food (yuck!!) They're enjoying it though, and the sure look cute lined up by size and age. From L to R: Oscar the youngest, "Puffy" (Pippin), Ginger. Aren't they awesome? :) (Photo credit: Allie family.)

Flowers!!! So pretty after looking at the gray trees and brown grass outside. I took this a few years ago of the azalea bushes in our front yard. :) (Photo credit: Katy Allie.)


  1. Coolio!!! :)
    you have the cutest cats! and I love the snow pic and the flowers! and the one you and Truman is pretty funny! :D hehe anyway yeah, I like the post! :)

  2. lol thanks!! :) yeah we think they're pretty cute!! :)
    glad you liked the "picture post"!! :) (I liked yours too!!)

  3. HAHA!! Cool pix Katy!! :) Your cats are so cute!! :)

  4. lol thanks!! :) glad you liked the pics!! :)
