Sunday, January 8, 2012

too much Robert Downey, Jr.?

This weekend, for me, could practically be called "Robert Downey, Jr. Weekend".
Why is that?
On Friday, I saw Sherlock Holmes 2 in the theater.
Yesterday, I saw Iron Man 2.
Lots of Robert Downey, Jr.
Too much Robert Downey, Jr.?
Not sure. In Sherlock Holmes 2 he plays, of course, the title character. In Iron Man 2, he's, well, Iron Man.
I personally like Downey as an actor; he's talented and funny, and really pulls of such characters as a unique take-off of the Sherlock Holmes character, all the way to self-absorbed (rather jerky) characters, like Tony Stark/Iron Man.
What do YOU think? Is there such a thing as too much Robert Downey, Jr., especially in a period of two days?


  1. two movies with him in it in two days? No that probably isn't to much Robert Downey, Jr. Now if say you saw like 4 movies with him in them in two days that would probably be to much!

  2. haha!! or maybe it wouldn't be too much! not sure though--probably would be! ;) LOL so according to you, if you watched four movies in two days ALL with Robert Downey, Jr., would that be too much RDJ? ;)

  3. lol That is what I said, isn't it? ;)
