Thursday, January 19, 2012

this is for all of you

I've been struggling a lot lately. I think I am a bit scared of growing up, to tell you the truth. There are more and more decisions that I have to make, and they are harder decisions than ones I had to make when I was younger, that is, my decision will affect my life in a much bigger way.

I started to think about how I've been feeling sort of depressed lately, and thought it might help me, and anyone else who might feel similarly, if I wrote a blog post about it. A wise friend told me that a very good way to write on a blog is to write what you know. (Thanks, Jenah.) :)

Well, here's what I know. I know that things aren't usually as bad as they seem. I can get down, but, as another one of my wise friends has reminded me more than once, and always when I need to hear it!, (thanks, Payton), God is there for us. He'll always be there for us, for me. If I can keep that in mind, maybe, just maybe, I can face my struggles with a courageous, uplifted heart.

I would like to thank my family and friends, who are always there for me if I need to talk, or I need advice, or just a reminder I am loved. I want all of you know that I am always here for all of you too!

I would love to make my blog an inspirational, fun place to be. If any of you have any ideas as to how we can do that, please, please tell me!

You guys rock!

photo credit: Katy Allie


  1. Aww hey Katy!! :) I want you to know that you are DEFINITELY not the only one feeling stressed about life decisions and depressed about just whatever!! lol I feel the exact same way!! Sometimes I just don't wanna do anything anymore because...when it gets down to it I guess I'm just afraid of making the wrong decisions and taking the wrong road in life.. But really, we shouldn't worry about things like that (or anything!!) because God will lead and guide us. All we have to do is put out trust and faith in Him and He will never lead us astray. Can't go wrong there! ;)
    Philippians 4:6 says: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;"
    That verse was framed and hanging on the wall in CofO where I went for my college interview.. I've ben thinking about it a lot lately.. lol and despite the fact that I'm nervous about whether or not I'll be accepted to College there.. I know that God has everything under control and if it is His will, then He'll open the doors where needed.
    Just lean on God and not your own understanding! ;) lol sorry this is so long!! Hope it kinda helps encourage you!
    LOVE YOU LOTS!!!!!!

  2. p.s. sorry about typos lol ;) <3 *HUGS!*

  3. Hey Rene!
    Thank you so much for your comment! It did help encourage me. I realized as I was thinking about things that were stressing me out, that maybe if I wrote a blog post about some of it, that maybe it would help me, and others. So I hope you were sort of encouraged by it, too.
    I totally know what you mean, by stresses with decisions (and college!!) I really appreciate the encouragement, through wise words and scriptures, my friends extend to me. :)
    So thank you! <3
    We both just need to remember what you said at the end of your comment..."Just lean on God and not your own understanding". :)
    Hopefully this has encouraged you, as well as my blog post.
    Thanks again! Love ya lots, hugs!! :)

  4. Thanks girl!! :) You're the bestest! ;) And yes, your post AND your comment encouraged me a lot!! :) Thanks again! ;) <3 lotsa love and hugzzz

    1. Thank YOU, girl!! hehe! you're also the bestest! :) I'm glad I was able to encourage you just as you encouraged me! :)
      :) <3 hugs!
