Thursday, December 29, 2011

Looking back on 2011

2011 has been a year of change for me. It has been joyous at times, trying at others, sometimes fun, sometimes far from joyful.

The Winter of 2011 brought a lot of cold and snow. In January, on the 12, my brother John turned 22.

In April we had our Women's Chorus Spring concert. My brother, Daniel, turned 19 on the 6th!

In May, I took the SAT for the first time. My friend Rene was the first of the three of us (Rene, Preciosa, and I) to turn 17 on May 9th, quite a life-changing birthday! :)

June was my birthday month! I turned 17 on the 9th, and although I didn't feel much different, I can now see that, wow, 17 is quite different from 16.

An amazing opportunity was fulfilled in July. I was able to travel to Peru with my mom; we traveled with a family we had met through one of our friends. I was able to see one of the oldest cities in the world, Lima, and meet the children of the small Andean town of Huambo. My brother John moved out right before we left for Peru, so that was sad, but we are also very happy for him because he is happy.

August 3rd was my friend Maria's 19th birthday. The 24th was my Dad's birthday!

September brought several notable events. My parents and I took a short trip to Cape Cod, where we had fun walking on beaches, on trails, riding our bikes, and relaxing. My friend Preciosa turned 17 on the 22nd! Sadly, my grandmother died on the 23rd after battling several illnesses.

October was a tough month for me. It started out good, as I took the SAT for the second time and was pleased with the results. Glad that was over with for the second time, I moved on with my life. A bit later, I got the news that JW, a very special horse to me, would need to be put down because of his health and age, and his owner, and main caretaker feeling it would be cruel to put him through another winter. It was extremely hard to say goodbye to J, and I miss him very much.

On November 22nd was my mom's birthday. We also had a very nice Thanksgiving on the 24th! The Monday after Thanksgiving, our new family member, a white and black cat whom we named Oscar, came into our lives. I completed my Uconn application on the 29th. Still waiting to hear from them.

December 4th was the Women's Chorus Christmas concert. We sang a great variety of music, with one main theme: snow! On the 5th, my mom and I and a friend of ours went on retreat to the Weston Priory in Weston, Vermont. Of course, the 25th was Christmas! :)

The coming year, 2012, holds much promise. I am excited about visiting Missouri in June, to finally meet my awesome friends in person and spend time with them! I am going to be graduating this coming May. Hopefully, come next Fall, I will be starting my freshman year at Uconn.

Happy 2012, everybody! I hope all of you have a great new year.


  1. So what nothing happened in February and March? jk. lol Happy New Year to you too!!! See you this year!!!!!! :)

  2. LOL! nothing that memorable......:) My bunny turned 5 on March 20th! :) LOL (well we don't know his exact birthday so we just gave him the day I got him as his birthday! :)
    Thanks! Happy New Year! Again!
    WOW that sounds AWESOME! :) see you this year! in five months! COUNTDOWN!!! :)

  3. lol yeah...we got that blizzard in Febuary...and idk what happened in March. Sounds like our dog we don't really know how old she is so we call the day we got her her birthday.
    THANKS! Happy New Year back at ya! ;)
    LOL I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?!?!

  4. Oh yeah!! I remember you getting that blizzard! awesome! we had a bit of a flurry this morning, but then it stopped :( nothing amounted.
    yeah...we just assign birthdays to our cats and bunnies; if we know kind of when they were born, we'll assign them to the birthday of one of the people, if they were born around one of our birthdays. Like...we assigned Pippin and Toki to my birthday, and I think Oscar was born around June as well.
    Thanks! Happy New Year at ya again! :) hehe!

  5. Yep! Cool! It's been freezing and sunny around snow. :-/
    Cool. I don't really know when Nina's "birthday" is because we don't really do anything for it. But yeah I think it's in July.
    Thanks! Happy New Year to you too again! :D hehe

  6. aww!! sad!! :(
    Yeah we don't usually do much for the animals, either....although I usually remember Thumper's and I give him part of a carrot or something!
    LOL! Happy New Year!
