Friday, October 28, 2011


Snow? In October? Well, last night we did get a small amount of snow! It melted very quickly but it was there all the same! I didn't get any pictures of it, but tomorrow night we may be getting another storm, so I might get pictures of that for you guys. I just hope our power won't get knocked out!
I for one wouldn't mind if the snow held off until at least late November!


  1. Oh! I'm so jealous!!! I want snow!!! ;p Send some of it down here!

  2. JEALOUS!!!!!!! Oh well...I have pretend snow to comfort me. (you know, pillow stuffing...and other random stuff that looks like snow)

  3. @Payton: I wish I could send it to you!! You could just come to CT, too! ;)It's pretty but I don't totally want snow yet!
    @Preciosa: hehe! Well you should totally come to CT! ;)

  4. Hmm...yeah, maybe I should start looking into that privet jet. ;) even though I'm not rich and famous yet.

  5. LOL!! yeah...and maybe I should too...:) Aww man! Yeah I'm not rich and famous yet either! :D
