Wednesday, July 13, 2011

30 Day Picture Challenge!--Day 28

Day 28: Picture of a Person You Love
I don't want to choose one person!!! ;) There are lots of people I love! Two of them are my awesome older brothers, Daniel (standing to the left) and John (standing to the right). And I like this picture of the three of us...(it's fairly outdated though as it was taken several years ago!!)
Photo credit: John Allie


  1. AWESOME!!! i have that picture!! YAY!!!! :) lol...

  2. Aw!!! That's a really good pix of you all!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. @Rejelle: haha!! thanks! :) I forgot but I guess I must have given that to you at some point!! :)
    @Preciosa: Thanks! :D I think so too!! :)
