Monday, July 11, 2011

30 Day Picture Challenge!--Day 26

Day 26: Picture of Your Favorite Flower
Two of the days for the pic challenge were the same thing!! So, Preciosa and I decided to come up with a new one for Day 26--after tossing around a few ideas, we decided with this one, that she came up with! :) So...I like a lot of different flowers, but anyway, here's one flower I like: the Easter Lily. :)


  1. aw pretty!!! i love lilies!!! :)

  2. whoa cool!!! nice idea you two!! and i love the flower!! :)

  3. @Preciosa: yeah i know they're so pretty! :)
    @Rejelle: thanks!! lol and thanks again! except Preciosa thought it up ;) but yeah wasn't it a nice idea? :) Yeah me too!! :)
