Friday, July 8, 2011

30 Day Picture Challenge!--Day 24

Day 24--Picture of Something You Wish to Possess
Okay, well, I don't entirely like this one, partly because it makes me sound greedy (which I would like to think I'm NOT...) But...anyway...someday I hope to own a few horses.


  1. I agree completely! well I mean other then I've never really wanted horses...not that I don't like them! I do like them! Just I've never wanted to own one. If you get what I mean...

  2. lol!! :) i'm sure there are plenty of people who like horses but don't want one! But i'm one of those crazy ppl who does....;)

  3. LOL that's not greedy!! :) it's cool! i mean...i wish that i could have some horses too!!! i would LOVE to go riding sometime!!!

  4. yeah horseback riding is fun!!!!!!!! :) we oughta do it together sometime, the three of us!! :) that would be sooooooo fun! :) and yeah i'd really like my own horses, that would be amazing!
